首页 恐怖片 电影 鬼敲门2024  YZU线路  HD中字
正在播放:YZU线路  HD中字
导演:Calvin Morie McCarthy,Tim Coyle,Josh Dietrich,Kai Pacifico Eng,Chynna Rae Shurts
主演:Tim Coyle,Elissa Dowling,Khail Duggan,Airisa Durand
类型:恐怖片         年份:2024年
地区:美国         语言:英语


  For her first day of orientation, Dr. Tristian Mackenzie makes her way to the Silverdale Psychiatric Hospital for the criminally insane, where she learns of the strange series of cases from the similarly strange Dr. Moon.

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鬼敲门2024 HD中字


导演:Calvin Morie McCarthy,Tim Coyle,Josh Dietrich,Kai Pacifico Eng,Chynna Rae Shurts

主演:Tim Coyle,Elissa Dowling,Khail Duggan,Airisa Durand

介绍:  For her first day of orientation, Dr. Tristian Mackenzie makes her way to the Silverdale Psychiatric Hospital for the criminally insane, where she learns of the strange series of cases from the similarly strange Dr. Moon.
