首页 剧情片 电影 美国梦和其他童话故事  SNU线路  HD
正在播放:SNU线路  HD
导演:Abigail E. Disney,凯瑟琳·休斯
类型:剧情片         年份:2022年
地区:美国         语言:英语


Americans are working harder for less pay. The rich are getting astonishingly richer, and the poor have come to define the U.S. workforce. The American Dream and Other Fairy Tales is the beginning of a conversation that most Americans, rich and poor, have a hard time talking honestly about — class equity and the shift in our values. The American dream, once the promise of our c...

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美国梦和其他童话故事 正片


导演:Abigail E. Disney,凯瑟琳·休斯


介绍:Americans are working harder for less pay. The rich are getting astonishingly richer, and the poor have come to define the U.S. workforce. The American Dream and Other Fairy Tales is the beginning of a conversation that most Americans, rich and poor, have a hard time talking honestly about — class equity and the shift in our values. The American dream, once the promise of our c...
