首页 爱情片 电影 像你一样的人  SNU线路  HD
正在播放:SNU线路  HD
导演:Eirik Svensson
类型:爱情片         年份:2012年
地区:挪威,芬兰         语言:芬兰语,挪威语,英语


On holiday in Istanbul, the Finnish girl Kajsa meets charming Norwegian Jakob on his last night of the holiday. She falls head over heels in love and they have a wonderful one night stand. The morning after Jakob leaves back mke6.com home to Oslo, and Kajsa don't know more than his first name. Kajsa can't forget their meeting, and some time later she accidentally meets Jakob ag...

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像你一样的人 HD


导演:Eirik Svensson


介绍:On holiday in Istanbul, the Finnish girl Kajsa meets charming Norwegian Jakob on his last night of the holiday. She falls head over heels in love and they have a wonderful one night stand. The morning after Jakob leaves back mke6.com home to Oslo, and Kajsa don't know more than his first name. Kajsa can't forget their meeting, and some time later she accidentally meets Jakob ag...
