首页 纪录片 和帕特里夏·劳特利奇一起追寻碧翠丝·波特  YZU线路  HD中字
正在播放:YZU线路  HD中字
导演:Ian Denyer
类型:纪录片         年份:2016年
地区:英国         语言:英语


  Celebrating the 150th anniversary of the birth of Beatrix Potter, this documentary sees Patricia Routledge following in the footsteps of the Edwardian publishing sensation. She discovers what fired the author's imagination and where her love and understanding of animals was born. As an actress, Patricia played Beatrix on stage in the 1990s. In her present role as patron of the Beatrix Potter Society, and with access to rare drawings, letters and artefacts held at the V&A Archive, she discovers the woman behind the myth.

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和帕特里夏·劳特利奇一起追寻碧翠丝·波特 HD中字


导演:Ian Denyer


介绍:  Celebrating the 150th anniversary of the birth of Beatrix Potter, this documentary sees Patricia Routledge following in the footsteps of the Edwardian publishing sensation. She discovers what fired the author's imagination and where her love and understanding of animals was born. As an actress, Patricia played Beatrix on stage in the 1990s. In her present role as patron of the Beatrix Potter Society, and with access to rare drawings, letters and artefacts held at the V&A Archive, she discovers the woman behind the myth.
