首页 剧情片 电影 辛吉革命  YZU线路  HD中字
正在播放:YZU线路  HD中字
主演:Wassim Mohamed Ajawi,Fethi Ghares,Sean Gullette
类型:剧情片         年份:2013年
地区:其它         语言:法语


  Ibn Battuta works as a journalist for an Algerian daily newspaper. While covering community clashes in Southern Algeria, he finds himself incidentally picking up the trail of long forgotten uprisings against the Abbasid Caliphate, back in 8th-9th century Iraq. For the purpose of his investigation he goes to Beirut, a city that used to embody the hopes and struggles of the Arab World...

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辛吉革命 HD中字



主演:Wassim Mohamed Ajawi,Fethi Ghares,Sean Gullette

介绍:  Ibn Battuta works as a journalist for an Algerian daily newspaper. While covering community clashes in Southern Algeria, he finds himself incidentally picking up the trail of long forgotten uprisings against the Abbasid Caliphate, back in 8th-9th century Iraq. For the purpose of his investigation he goes to Beirut, a city that used to embody the hopes and struggles of the Arab World...
