首页 喜剧片 电影 偶像已死  YZU线路  HD中字
正在播放:YZU线路  HD中字
类型:喜剧片         年份:2012年
地区:日本         语言:日语


  Once, Rui has aimed at a singer. However, now, she was frustrated and was doing the hostess's work in the country. When Rui goes home together with a friend's Tsunko, She met Momoko, the rival at the time of her having aimed as a singer. Momoko became an idol singer and was successful. On the grounds that Momoko has ridiculed Rui, Rui killed two friends, her and her. In order that Rui may escape a crime, She formed the idol group together with Tsunko pretending to be Momoko and others

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偶像已死 HD中字




介绍:  Once, Rui has aimed at a singer. However, now, she was frustrated and was doing the hostess's work in the country. When Rui goes home together with a friend's Tsunko, She met Momoko, the rival at the time of her having aimed as a singer. Momoko became an idol singer and was successful. On the grounds that Momoko has ridiculed Rui, Rui killed two friends, her and her. In order that Rui may escape a crime, She formed the idol group together with Tsunko pretending to be Momoko and others
